Journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.
Lao Tzu

Self Care Without Guilt
While I was working with one of my clients (a successful businesswoman, caring mother, and spouse) I heard her saying: “Even when I have time for self-care I feel the guilt”… She was not the only one.
There was always that inner voice saying: “Self-care is selfish, you should not take time for yourself, it would be better if you spend that time on others, kids, husband, job…” We all know that inner critic that leads us to feel guilt.
Self-care means different things to different people. For some self-care is manicure and pedicure, for others is running or bike riding by themself, for others it is meditation or just having 30 min peace and quiet in their home…
The first step is to find out what your self-care looks like. The next step is to become aware of how it’s good and important for you. As Maya Angelou said: ” When you know better, you do better.” Becoming aware of the benefit that self-care can bring to you, guilt will slowly vanish.
You will understand that taking the time for self-care will make you a happier person, a better mom, spouse, friend, employee. You will know better, you will do better!
As for my client, she took steps to regular self-care and was happy with the results she achieved. She was not just satisfied, she becomes a better role model for her kids.