Calmness is a human superpower. The ability to not overreact or take things personally keeps your mind clear and your heart at peace.
Marc and Angel Chernoff

From Irritable To Calm
Running to work? Caring for children and other family members? Playing every role in your life can be exhausting.
Accumulation of everyday stresses can lead us to easily snap on our loved ones.
As one of my clients said: ” I became a person that no one wants to be around.”
Even if it does not seems easy, some strategies can help you be more calm and kind to yourself and others.
Starting from morning routines like making your bed in the morning and getting that sense of order can be calming.
Using breathing techniques like 4-7-8 ( inhale by counting to 4, hold for 7, and exhale counting to 8), 4-4-4, and other breathing techniques help balance the autonomic nervous system and lead to a feeling of relaxation. The best thing about these techniques is that you can use them during the day in every environment.
My personal favorite is a Gratitude journal. Writing down all the things that you are grateful for in your life in the morning can help you start a day with a sense of abundance and less irritable.
Implementing these practices in your daily life will help you to become calmer and present and less prone to snapping at your loved ones. These are just a few of the methods for mitigating everyday stress.
Working together we will discover what works best for you and how to implement these routines into your everyday life.